Friday, October 10, 2014

I am my Destiny!

It was raining lightly this morning as I left for my early morning walk. It was the kind of rain called "gesham" in Hebrew.

This type of rain is especially good for crops. It is also especially good for contemplation. The clouds containing the rain are said to hold secrets. The rain and the clouds are the same.

This is deep, but hold the thought. The rain and the clouds are the same.

As I walked along this road, I was pondering what to write about today, and I asked for help.

Rabbi Yitzhak Levi walked with me in my mind.

We are old friends as I spent years translating "Kedushat Levi: Sefer Beresheis." It is the book of creation and also contains the secrets of how the mind works.

After a few minutes, he said:

Ehyeh asher ehyeh

We discussed this passage years ago, and I knew exactly what Rabbi Yitzhak Levi meant. He had explained to me the correct translation:

"I am that which I am becoming."

In the context of God, it meant God was soon going to manifest as the One who would take the Children of Israel out of Egypt. This manifestation would be through a series of actions, including the 10 plagues. God was becoming the God forming a nation from tribes.

In the context of people, it means "I am doing what I am becoming." I say, "I am my destiny."

Destiny: the predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible, course of 

Predetermined by what or whom? Our destiny is predetermined by the actions we take today. I am doing what I am becoming. I am blogging. I am becoming a blogger I am my destiny.

In mystic Judaism, they discuss gathering sparks of light. In general, this means gathering sparks of goodness and leaving behind the rest.

Each day has a spark of light  that will help us reach our goals. Grab the spark when it appears each day.

I am what I am becoming. I am a sales blogger.

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